10 Ways to De-Escalate a Student's Big Behaviours

  • Speaker: Angela Murphy, BEd, MEd (School Psychologist)

  • Description: Learn about social baseline theory and ten practical ways to de-escalate a student.

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How To Calm Your Child Stress Response System

  • Speaker: Dr. Chuck Geddes, ​​PhD, RPsych (CTR Founder)

  • Description: Learn Trauma-informed strategies to help your struggling child.

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Why Children are Addicted to Gaming and Social Media

  • Speaker: 

    • Dr. Chuck Geddes, ​​PhD, RPsych (CTR Founder)

    • Renae Regehr, MA, RCC (CTR Clinician)

  • Description: Join Dr. Chuck and Renae as they discuss why children can become hooked to gaming and social media, as well as practical strategies to support them.

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Creating PEACE for Children and Youth

  • Speaker: 

    • Angela Murphy, BEd, MEd (School Psychologist)

    • Kyle Chambers, MEd (School Psychologist)

  • Description: Join school psychologists, Angela and Kyle, as they discuss how to apply the PEACE framework in your schools and homes to help children and youth adjust and grow.

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